Friday, October 17, 2008

Abu Abdallah Al-Harith Al-Muhasibi

In this reading it is stated that "The love of God in its essence is the illumination of the heart by joy because of its nearness to the Beloved, for love, in solitude rises up triumphant, and the heart of the love is possessed by the sense of its fellowship with him, and when solitude is combined with the secret intercourse of the Beloved, the joy of that intercourse overwhelms the mind, so that it is no longer concerned with this world and what is in it." This in some ways made sense to me, and others was a little confusing for me. Only confusing in a way that there is alot being stated in just a few sentences and it all is so profound that it takes a second or third read to really understand what it says. I think that it is communicating that once you really have found God and a deep and passionate love for him, your earthly desires will soon pass. This passage seemed to want the reader to have a completely and souly God centered life. Like having everything you do in life be an act of worship. Very interesting writing.

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