Friday, October 17, 2008


There are two quotes in the writings of Muhammad that i found to be very profound. "Whoever knows himself knows God." Once again this sounds very similiar to the messages of previous readings we have reviewed. God is said to be everywhere and that we are created in his image. So, in turn if we truly know who we are, we would know that we are the creation of God. Another quote I found very profound was the very last, and shortest one in the reading. "True religion is surrender." This makes so much sense to me. To be a follower of God we must set aside the worries of our days and place them in his hands. Not only that but sacrfices often are made to change ones life to be on the path of God. We have to stop putting importance in worldly things and stop trying to control our own lives. Surrenedering our life to God and trusting that he will do what's best for us is probably one of the most difficult things a believer has to do not once, not twice but constantly. I liked the whole reading but especially those two quotes stood out to me.


Donny Helmig said...

I like how you too have noticed the similarity from religion to religion. That its comes from within. That we must look inside ourself and get to know ourself to fully appreciate and love god. I like how you mentioned surrender and setting aside our worries. Completly agree with you. Muhammad would have been a great man to meet. Enjoyed your blog, good job.

Kyle McFerran said...

well there...i agree that religion is surrender in that true love is order to fully be immersed in i and so completely love ones god that they surrender fully

Florentina said...

I noticed the same thing while reading Muhammad. "Whoever knows himself knows God." It's so similar to other readings we have done in that God is within us. Good observation

raptorjesus said...

I'm glad you cleared up the quote "True religion is surrender." I had difficulty understanding exactly what it meant.