Sunday, October 12, 2008

The gospel of john

In the gospel of Thomas there is a quote that sounds very similiar to the philosophies of other religions. Jesus states that "If you know yourselves, then you will be known and you will know that you are the sons of the living father. Alot of religions seem to base alot of what is important about believing around knowing oneself and understanding who you are. I suppose it makes sense becuase if you believe that we are all sons of the living father, the better you know yourself, the stronger you will believe that. Jesus also states that if you haven't found the beginning, why ask about the end? This reminds me of the idea of living life in the present and not being caught up regretting the past or being anxious and anticipating the future. Be content in the moment you are experiencing and you will be content with your past and trust in your future.


Kyle McFerran said...

a lot of religions do say the same things..but thats what satan does. he takes a little truth and mixes it with lies and makes it sound good then people fall for it because they latch on to the little bit of truth that there is and run w it... thats just personal opinion!!

Donny Helmig said...

Glad you found similar ideas that i did. Yes, all religions do have the similarities about oneself. You can probably find it most religions. Basically, that we have to look inside and deep in our own mind and heart to truly believe and have faith. Its not always about who teaches something but what you can pull from yourself. Happy to see someone with similar thoughts. Good Blog.