Friday, September 12, 2008

Ramana Maharshi

Ramana Maharshi seems like he would have been an amazing person to meet. Some of his thoughts were a little hard to comprhend but at the same time made so much sense. the 3rd quote about affection and compassionetc sounded very much like what jesus taugh in the bible... I found that to be very interesting. He makes religion and believeing in GOd sound so simple. I liked when he says that "Only mature minds can grasp the simple truth in all its nakedness. That made alot of sense to me. Many people get so caught up in doing what looks right or different interpretaions of little messages that they look right past the big picture. He breaks it down and doesn't bother with all the fluff but truly is focused on a relationship between you and God. I noticed very much of what he had to say had to do with knowing oneself. Almost as if the only way to achieve happiness or to believe or really to accomlish anything, a person first, has to know oneself. I think that Ramana Maharshi was extremely wise and saw everything with great clarity and perception.

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