Friday, September 19, 2008

Shmelke of Nikolsburg

The reading that I most enjoyed this week was the words of Shmelke of Nikolsburg. Many people can be very self riotous and think that for some reason that since they have found God and someone else hasn't, that they are suddenly a better person than them and less of a sinner. He had a very humble and compassionate way of looking towards people who are "wicked before God". It makes perfect sense to me that if you see someone is another human who was created in the same image as you, struggling with weakness, why would you condemn them instead of having some understanding a mercy upon them. I like the way he sees all people connected by the inherent relation to the ultimate soul of God. I like how explains that if you hand hits you and causes you pain, would you go and injure another part of your body to cause yourself more pain? It makes so much sense to me and encourages me to have more understanding and patience towards those who wrong me in my life. He sees all people as the body of Christ rather than just those who are saved. Many Christians see it the opposite and end up looking down on others and placing themselves up on a pedestal above all other people.

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