Friday, September 19, 2008

Yehiel Mikhal of Zlotchov

The words of Yehiel Mikhal of Zlotchov are short but straight to the point. All of us seem to base our value and worth off of what material possesions we own and other worldly things. We then start to think that we are self sufficient and deserve all the credit for where we are in life. We forget that even life in itself is something that can be taken from us in a matter of seconds. The eye opening matter is that in a flash all that we placed our value and worth on could be taken from us, and then what? Are we worth nothing? Of course not, because we have an almighty creator who loves and takes care of us. He is far more permanent than any money we could earn or accomplishments we could acheive here on Earth. This life that we live is tiny in comparison to all eternity and the lifespan of our never failing all powerful God. So doesn't it make sense that we should invest our time and effort into something that we are sure will never fail or be taken away from us? Though God may not be something physical that we can look at and show off, the body passes with time but the spirit remains and God will renew your spirit and protect it from damage for as long as you trust in him. This passage shows us that worldly objects and relationships are not where you should place your trust, but instead you should place your trust in God who will never fail you.

1 comment:

alicialivesay said...

You stated, "The eye opening matter is that in a flash all that we placed our value and worth on could be taken from us, and then what? Are we worth nothing?" I totally agree. And in my own life I am learning how to not allow the material possessions dictate who I am as a person. I've realized that it's difficult to do at times. I live very close to the Galleria Mall, and I drive around that area and all you see id gluttony for material posessions. People shopping and being "flashy" with their money. It's started to make me so happy that I am moving away from that.